Medbed Technology Updates

*      February 22, 2025 -

So, where are the med beds?  This website was started exactly three years ago (2/22).  Hearing about the quantum healing technologies, including med beds years prior was very exciting.  Since then a plethora of websites and news articles pop-up while consumer interest comes and goes.  

  1. Many have given up believing in these quantum devices. 
  2. Others still believe our current medical system is the bees-knees. 
  3. Then there are those that don't have the answers but know that change is happening and more is coming.  

If you fit in the third category continue reading on.  I'm shifting this page to help those wanting to understand more about what is happening in our world now.  We all feel it, but many are still choosing to believe only what is within their belief system.

Whether there are medbeds or not, I am convinced that our healing will come in an EMF, cosmic or solar flash event.  'The Shift' is a term that is popping up now.  President Trump hints at this in a video below on January 17th, 2025. 

Remember:  Medbeds and various chambers will not 'cure' if one is not willing to change bad eating habits along with other lifestyle changes.  Our food became poisoned.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr - MAHA

Many are currently feeling tiredness, stomach issues, tingling legs and hands with other symptoms of ascension. 

While food stores seem to have more bare shelves, have you noticed that even Dollar General's are starting to put a small produce section in?  Non-alcoholic beverages are beginning to grow in numbers too.  

With everything that is happening around and within us, addictions of all kinds, including fast food urges will fall away in time.  That is not to say this walk will be easy.  We all face challenges.

The sooner we collectively accept change, I've heard the sooner this light event will occur.  As President Trump says, we are strong and will persevere.

The medbed technology updates on this page is my way of saying it's not the medbeds that will heal our bodies completely; A light flash is coming and our music has been telling us - but how is it coming?

  • Will it come as a lightning bolt?  
  • Will it be a fake nuclear attack that blinds us for seconds?  
  • Will the world fall quietly asleep and wake up healthy in new bodies?
  • Will we feel a tingly or vibrational sensation within our bodies?

However this flash event happens, we will be fine.  All darkness and shadows will be left behind.

It's been said Trust The Plan.  We are in very good hands.

In this video President Trump is saying "I caught them all".  Translation:  The deep-state is gone! 

Watch and listen to entertainment more tentatively.  We were being told many truths all along.  

The sooner one lets go of rigid beliefs through schooling and other institutions,
the better transition will be on the individual.  Let Go, Let God!

America's Golden Age is HereAmerica's Golden Age is Here!

The sun is important to us in ways not understood.  Flares from the sun are photonic light.  It's information to our DNA and our bodies.  We become healthy.  

It is important to be outside in the sun and take your shoes off to 'ground'.  The rubber sole was invented to disconnect us from nature.  Wait, wasn't there an album by the name Rubber Soul?  

Start to notice music referring to the sun.  Below are just a few songs and three of them are from 1969.  Those crazy hippies!  Maybe they knew something that was being hidden from us all along.  Rubber souls?  The sun?  Roll over Beethoven 'cause a new vibe is coming and the music industry may be the right frequency.

  • Here Comes the Sun (1969) by The Beatles
  • Aquarius-Let the Sun Shine (1969) by The 5th Dimension
  • Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon (1969) by Paul Revere & The Raiders
  • The Dark Of The Sun (1991) by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Another song that would be overlooked is Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song Shadow People.  From the Hypnotic Eye album it was released in 2014, three years before Tom Petty's death?

Shadow People -  Video from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers official channel. 
Thank you for the music

In time more will understand who these Shadow People are and their intentions.  When the music stops at approximately the 6:02 mark keep listening...

Tom Petty sings:

"Waiting for the sun to be straight overhead,
'til we ain't got no shadow at all."

I cannot speak for everyone when it comes to all of the information that is being put out there.  Many who started researching years ago ...

  • Stopped because they felt "nothing is happening".  
  • Others refuse to believe that our world may not be what we were told it was.  It is very hard to accept when we've been duped and ego kicks in.

For those wanting more information and realizing the rabbit hole is deep, white-hats control of the media now.  They are drip, drip, dripping information out slowly so people begin to awaken with as little shock as possible.  Also, many 'truthers' names remained the same but I've noticed 2.0 versions of original appearances from years ago. 

It's been a long journey and the confusion that we all see isn't by accident.  Everything is for reasons not understood to the masses - it's The Art of War, as Sun Zsu wrote.  I may write where information came from but to recommend various truthers, I avoid doing this.  I'm cautious for a few reasons:

  • Many truthers were/are paid operatives disguising themselves as good guys.

  • Many make good money keeping the narrative the same.  They're entertainers rather than truthers.

  • Too many people stop learning when they find a few truthers that keep them within their comfort zone.  One must keep an open mind and continue moving rather than sitting on stale information.  Also, learn to trust the gut when the BS-meter within goes off.

  • Keeping up to date and aware of issues exposes inconsistent information.  I'm willing to wait for the truth to come out on a lot of things. 

  • For now, I'm convinced this shift from 3D to 5D will happen.  There are songs below that are saying the same thing.  Many people won't consider this as relevant information because it is not within their belief system.  It's going to get challenging for everyone - no exceptions.  

The music on this page is to help others wake to the realization that everyone's musical preference has a story to tell.  This page is an outline where one will want to do more research beyond here and maybe question if musicians are Central Casting too.

*      February 9, 2025 -  (Super Bowl Sunday)

Since the August, 2024 medbed update notes below, research took me down a different path.  With the belief of the med bed heals everyone, I began to hear about a flash, a shift, or sky event few 'truthers' talk about.  Hopefully, this medbed technology update page inspires one to listen and watch all entertainment differently and possibly see what I believe now.

The Super Bowl had a lot in it as far as Great Awakening information.  Kendrick Lamar's half-time show was telling and I'd recommend (re)watching it and reviewing his lyrics. 

The following music video came out January 30th.  Information is coming out fast and this video builds on updates below.  This rap video also comes with a WARNING.  There is swearing but the lyrics are relevant.

Lyrics include:

Matrix cracked, we breaking the chains, Vibrations high, flowing through the veins.

No more systems, no more lies, The New Earth's calling, b*tch, open your eyes...

Ascension hits, got me lit like the sun, F*ck the low vibes, the Shift's begun.

AETHER - NEW EARTH  - This video has the lyrics, opens new window
Video from 'Aether' Youtube Channel.  Thank you for the music.

Do a little research on the Aether.  There are no coincidences.

This commercial from the Super Bowl may help those a little skeptical to accept the video below about the solar flash beginning. 

*      January 30, 2025 - 

This came out today.  Stop worrying about when the flash will happen.  Focus on what makes you happy - really put thought into it and get energies up.  Walk barefoot outside, look towards the sun often.

Everyone is being watched by advanced beings with technology we never knew existed.  Don't be afraid.  Our bodies are going through changes currently.  We must start to eat better, speak well of others and show love toward all life.  This is not going to be easy considering how we all have been brainwashed and put at odds with each other by the deep-state.

Thank you 'GFL Station' for video and information on Youtube channel

*     January 25, 2025 - 

Trump CNN and the Flash

I don't want people to get excited and think something will happen soon

Like everyone, I have been excited, then let down trying to get medbed updates to those in need.  I explain this below.

People are now asking about the great awakening.  Simply put, humanity was being led down a deadly path by the deep-state and we are awakening to this.  We must be prepared to understand:

  • Everything we have been told is a lie (Q-drop)
  • Humans HAVE TO CHANGE!  If we don't history will repeat itself.  Humans must become more humane again - this includes respecting all beautiful benevolent life.  We chose to treat ourselves, animals and the earth badly.  In time we will be shown how far we fell.
  • Humanity was teetering on an extinction event courtesy of the deep-state.  
  • Concerning Elon Musk and DOGE, Country Singer John Rich writes bluntly:
John Rich on Tax Dollars and Trafficking
John Rich from Lonestar

This parody video on the right brings up more to be researched about our world.  I don't agree with everything she talks about but it's ok, we will find out the truth on everything in time. 

In the meantime, it's hard getting out of comfort zones  even bringing up floride as she does...

It has been known for decades that fluoride is toxic, yet it appears to be in psychotic medications.  Wouldn't that kill brain cells
or should I be wearing my tin-foil hat?  

Our mouth is close to our brain and we were taught using toothpaste daily is good for us.  One may have to dig through 'fluff' websites, but these will help getting started understanding fluoride (opens new tabs):

  • Prescription Drugs That Contain Fluoride - Fluoride Action Network -
    "Fluoridated drugs may be causing more damage than good in the long run. Fluoride is a known toxin that negatively impacts the brain, the heart and has caused death in test animals."

  • Prozac -
    "   In the 1940s numerous investigators were of the opinion that - besides being active in liver - organic fluorides could also be causing disturbances at the hypothalamus-pituitary (HP) axis, due to their high affinity for the central nervous system (CNS) (Litzka, 1937, May, 1950)."

This video has been on Youtube for 18 years

Root Canal Cover Up Book
Toxic Teeth Book
The Toxic Tooth Book
Judas Dentistry Book
Hidden Epidemic Book

I've read some of these books.  In the Toxic Teeth, Dr. Swartz writes of his personal experience discovering many of his health issues may have come from dental work.  Different dentists doing different procedures, each finding a reason to "drill and bill" as it is known in the industry.  

Many people won't scratch their head wondering if their:

  • Dentist has known about fluoride and these other procedures or...
  • Doctors prescribing various psychotic drugs, especially to kids questioning long term impact.  

Sometimes I wonder with all of the coding and incentives used for Obamacare if the white-hats were using this same information as a sting operation.  We will find out.  It's important, however, the negative impact fluoride has had on our health.

Moving on, information is pouring out about child trafficking, organ harvesting, history, governments, the medical system, crimes against humanity, admiralty maritime law and birth certificates, strawman, cloning, 911, Hitler, past civilizations, transhumanism and so much more.  Were they telling us hints of this all along?

Wide Awake In Dreamland

Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo's Wide Awake in Dreamland album was released in 1988, thirty-seven years ago.  On the album cover she appears red-pilled while those around her remained blue-pilled going about their business.  Seems to have a Matrix feel to it. 

Like most of the songs on this page, I'm making a case for a flash, or shift that will heal humanity, not necessarily the med beds.  Queen sang One Vision (below) just years before Pat Benatar sang One Love

Lyrics for One Love... 

Pat Benatar - One Love (Opens new tab)
Video from 'Benatar Giraldo' Youtube channel.  Thank you for the music.

Once there was a man, and he lived to sing the lions song
As he traveled on road of hope
One Love is the light, shining over every mountain top
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every heart will beat strong against the night
Let it be done right now

Once there was a man, and his words became a song of love
And his song became the golden dream
One Love is the light, shining over everyone that believes
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every eye will see truth before the light
Let it be done right now...

There are many tells in this song regarding information that has been released for the Great Awakening.  The underlining is to highlight themes throughout this page.

Other songs from Wide Awake in Dreamland album relevant to current events include: 

  • All Fired Up - John Rich wrote the public will go "nuclear". 
         These lyrics include:  
                Livin' with my eyes closed, goin' day to day
                I never knew the difference, I never cared either way ...
                 Reachin' out with both hands, I gotta feel the kick inside

    Lightin' up the darkness, movin' like a meteorite...

  • Suffer the Little Children - 

This song is about Child Trafficking, also very sad.

Suffer The Little Children (new tab)
Video from 'Benatar Giraldo' Youtube channel.

Pat Benatar Suffer the Little ChildrenTrump: "I caught them all"

Early in her career from the Crimes of Passion album (1980), Pat Benatar's song Hell is For Children is also about child abuse.

Others songs to revisit referring to abuse and trafficking:

  • Calling All Angels by Train (2003) -
    Lyrics include: "When children have to play inside so they don't disappear"
  • Independence Day by Martina McBride (1994) about spousal, adult abuse.

  • Runaway Train by Soul Asylum (1993)  -  A Must Watch..

Soul Asylum - Runaway Train (Official HD Video)  (new tab)
Video from Soul Asylum Youtube channel.  Thank you for the music.

Remember what we thought was a good gesture when missing children were on milk cartons?  I've heard several times that it was advertising for (as Pat Benatar's lyrics above) evil men.  If this is true, major stores post missing children.  Could these intentions been to help the dark rather than truly help find the children?

  • A final word about Pat Benatar.  Her debut album In the Heat of the Night (1979) had a song that is very relevant for this time period - My Clone Sleeps Alone.  
  • Another song from Britney Spears about cloning is Break the Ice (2007)

Movies about Cloning include:

  • The Boys from Brazil - Released 1978
  • They Cloned Tyrone - Netflix released 2023

President Trump has said Nothing Can Stop What's Coming.  Humanity's vibrational frequency is rising and we are also healing through this golden period... 

I believe when humanity reaches a certain vibrational level collectively the flash, or shift happens automatically and fast.  I also believe after this event will come more challenges but still I feel the excitement that the best is yet to come. 

Your Watching A Movie
Enjoy The Show!

Why raise our vibrational frequencies?  The short answer is darkness cannot survive.  Our world was very dark. 

Even though it appears business as usual on the main-stream media, many familiar faces in politics, business and beyond have been replaced by actors wearing masks.  This war has been going on a long time and we have all been unaware of it.  

Michael Jackson/Thriller, Seinfeld and Latenight Comedy enjoying movie popcorn.
What makes a great movie?  Good Actors!

Thriller Video MJ
Newman enjoying the show
Latenight popcorn
George enjoying the show
Jon Stewart enjoying show

Still not convinced about actors, maybe even some in Hollywood?  How about that "Central Casting"...

Take a minute - 3 videos are examples of how we have been hearing Central Casting.

So how is it possible while we were busy living our lives that the elites, deep-state and many guilty for crimes against humanity were caught? 

A football sting from 1985.  This video is only an example of a sting operation to help in understanding how the deep-state was taken down over the decades.

JFK Speech

I've heard it said WWIII was started the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, November 22, 1963.

For decades while boomers (and generations after) were attending Concerts, WWE, Sporting Events, Auditions and more, the bad guys were being hunted by the military and many very brave white-hats.  Think back to the many roles Donald Trump played over the years.  Imagine how tired all these warriors must be!

President Trump was in the picture decades before becoming president. 

This is why going back and watching movies and listening to music confirms what we are only beginning to understand now.

Another One Bites The Dust

Released in 1980 (45 years ago), Queen was letting us know with Another One Bites The Dust that the enemy was going down without apology.

The devil went down to Georgia says Charlie Daniels.  In this video Freddie Mercury was singing to the dark ones "we'll find you" wherever you go.

Queen - Another One Bites The Dust (Official Lyric Video)  (Opens new tab)
Video from 'Queen Official' on Youtube.  Thank you for the music!

Still not sure about how a war was fought without the general public knowing about it?  This Channel 17 video Is Excellent with building the picture for everyone regarding the movie.  Again, I have heard a number of different theories, but I'm still believing a flash is coming.

Thank you NewsTreason at for this video.  (BTW:  Q = 17th letter of the alphabet)

Soon???  I was in Walmart a few weeks ago and The Jacksons song played two times while in the store.  Released in 1981, Can You Feel It is for the golden age.  This is BIG!!!!!

Can you feel it...

If you look around the whole world's coming together now...

Can you feel it...

Feel it in the air, the wind is taking it everywhere...

Can you feel it...

Thank you for the music Jackson Family.

*     January 17, 2025  -

EMF Flash, The Shift

Click image or link to watch video on Youtube

President Trump:

"As we approach that really important day when we're going to see things get better all of a sudden and it's going to be like a burst of light."

We are days away from the inauguration of President Trump.  Finding this video (I believe) confirms the updates below. 

If one doesn't believe any of this, I can only request do your research, be open-minded and expect the unexpected.

I'm hearing the term - "The Shift" more frequently.  Our world will shift from 3D to 5D.  Earth is ascending, we are ascending.  All beautiful life is vibrating at a higher frequency and in time we shift together into the light where darkness cannot survive.  

Do we know what is on the other side?  Have faith and Trust The Plan (as I was taught early on).  We have heard for a very long time...  "The Best is Yet to Come"

In less then 60 seconds these 3 videos are examples of how we have been hearing The Best is Yet to Come.

And Yes, there's a song for that ....

Ryan sings:
"I can't see the future I don't know what's up ahead.  Can't see around the corner I don't know what's coming next ...

I don't have all the answers but I know it's not the end ...

Like the part of the movie when it goes down ...

The best is yet to come."

   Ryan Stevenson - Best Is Yet To Come (Official Lyric Video)  (Opens new tab)
  Video from Ryan Stevenson's Youtube Channel.  Thank you for the music!

*     December 3, 2024 - 

Watching the World Wake Up from History
The flash in the Bible, Corinthians

Things are happening behind the scenes.  Can you feel it? 

Although we are still having our different challenges, there is a positive momentum.  People are slowly waking up and some have already realized that what we are living is a massive great awakening.  Patience is required.  It's a big world and waking up comes in waves.

Continue reading this medbed technology updates page.  I become more convinced of the healing flash that is being spoken about more and more.

Listen to the lyrics from the musical group Jesus Jones.  Look at the background videos being played in the song Right Here Right Now.

In this song: 

... The World could change in the blink of an eye ...

Right Here, Right Now ...
Watching the World wake up from History

Jesus Jones - Right Here Right Now (Official Music Video) - YouTube (Opens new tab)
Video from 'Jesus Jones' Youtube channel.  Thank you for the music!

*     October 23, 2024 -

A few months back more information and videos started to surface about the long awaited medbeds helping us achieve our integral medicine options.  

Deleting most information from 2023 on this page, I started to follow up on what was coming out regarding these quantum healing devices mid 2024.  My goal was to remain positive for all in need of this advanced medicine, a "hold-on they're coming" type of approach. 

My gut was twisting and felt "something is wrong".  If these healing beds exist already then why am I having to write about why they have not come to help so many in need?

I'd heard a few years back about an EMF flash coming, some call it a solar flash.  I am now completely convinced that this is how we are all going to heal physically. 

Rescued by a Flash?  Foo Fighters

With reviewing music, movies and TV, it appears that the band Foo Fighters may be letting us know about the flash and yes... "We're all Just Waiting to be Rescued"

Our world is not what we believed it to be.

The world will be shocked!

Foo Fighters - Rescued (Lyric Video) (Opens new tab)
Video from 'Foo Fighters' Youtube channel.  Thank you for the music!

*   September 24, 2024 - 

Queen- One Vision Music Video

What boggles my mind is that we have been told all along of the historical event we are currently living through.  We didn't know it, however. 

Regardless of movies, TV, music and so much more - good or bad, of the light or of the darkness... we were told!

I have become a believer that rather than having the med beds healing us, it will come in a flash of light event.

In 1985 the song One-Vision came out.  It was also released later on the A Kind of Magic album.  Thirty-nine years ago was Queen aware that something big would be happening in our future, even mentioning the flash event?  Listen to the this great spiritual song.  

Queen - One Vision (Extended Version) [Official Lyric Video]  (Opens new tab)
Videos from 'Queen Official' on Youtube.  Thank you for the music! 

Remember, at his inauguration in January of 2017, President Trump stated that power is being returned back to the people.  We clapped but had no understanding of how our government and elites have been lying to us and killing us through our food, medicine and more.  It was about this same time people started hearing about 'Q', the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Red Tie - JFK Grace
Red Tie The Key
Trump Wears Red Tie

Queen... Watch more of their music videos.  Not everyone is tuned into what is happening currently but even on a basic level songs like The Invisible Man, It's A Kind of Magic, Guide Me Home (with Monsterrat Caballe), There Must Be More to Life Than This (with Michael Jackson),  Radio Ga GaThe Miracle and many others have multiple interpretations to them. 

Even the video Save Me Freddie Mercury is wearing a Red Tie.  It's key!

Another song is Breakthru...  Sure, Q can mean Queen.  It could also be interpreted as the Q-train.  Notice later in the video the side of the engine says Miricale Express.  There is a lot in this video that may not be picked up on.  Just my opinion, there is depth to this song regarding Q and the future.  Breakthru was released thirty-five years ago.  Again, was this band placing information into our consciousness?

Q Train
Q Miracle Express

       Keep scrolling down this page.  The Q-Train continues.

Spiritual Breakthrough

Queen - Breakthru (Official Video Remastered)  (Opens new tab)
Videos from 'Queen Official' on Youtube.  Thank you for the music! 

*   August 23, 2024 - 

I've been watching and researching from the sidelines for some years now.  This medbed technology update isn't going to be the same as usual...

What I have noticed regarding The Great Awakening is that people are beginning to wake-up realizing something is wrong.  Through all the misinformation and disinformation, most choose to cherry-pick what is 'believable' and refuse believing what is not their narrative or the main-stream media.  Please expand your thinking.

As frustration grows that the quantum medical beds still have not arrived, I remain a believer that they exist.  I've heard that med-beds are an older technology. 

A New Earth

This image is taken from 
Images are left providing clues for what is to come.

President Trump stated his goal was to drain the swamp.  He also stated the swamp was much bigger than he thought.  It's happening.  As this chapter closes in our world's history, another chapter opens to a new earth. 

Please see the home page of for more information on the systems of the world breaking down. 

We are leaving darkness behind and going into the light.  It's rough at times but imperative that one look within.  Dare to discover your personal evolution of this lifetime and, especially, these past years since the Covid scare event.  We are healing and healing takes time!

A better way to say what is happening:

  If you've seen it on Star Trek it's true
Our future is still hard for many to believe. 
After all, we still have to get beyond the shock of what is going to happen in our near future.

When starting this website it was going to be about quantum healing, the new spin to integral medicine.  Did you know that our bodies are currently healing through world frequencies changing and what is now being sprayed in the air? 

Chemtrails are no longer being sprayed, which were bad.  It's all good stuff now.

If unaware of this, with respect, I feel certain readers may need a little more information. 

The Great Awakening Flash

I believe our Medical Bed healing will come in a flash event - literally!

Our world is going to change soon.  This first video below, Q - The Plan to Save the World is a Cliffs Notes tightly summing up the war that has been going on for many, many years in only forty-six minutes.  Take the time...

This video was made by Joe M. at Storm is Upon Us then republished by Joe with Building The Kingdom Network on Rumble.  Thank you.

The above video explains how we the people have started to become the news and spread what we could to get the word out that our lives and world is not what we have been told - it's far worse. 

(I've also included The Fall of The Cabal Series.  It's hard to find these videos all in one place - they're all here.)

Back to the Future

Q has been telling us The Best is Yet to Come
We are going Back to the Future - yes, as in the movie series!

While we sheeple have been watching movies and television thinking it was mindless entertainment, we have been told the truth in most of these movie stories.  The exception is the fake news, as President Trump calls it.

Did you know that the television is patented as a brainwashing machine?  Computers along with other smart technology are designed to produce nervous system manipulation and disorders.

This is not about Republican or Democrat!  This is a rescue from a corrupt very deep, deep-state that has been gaslighting humans around the world for a long time where we fight one another. 

It's necessary to point this out.  I have been scammed throughout my great awakening and enlightenment journey.  When starting this website, QHealthGuide, my intentions were pure and remain so.  There is no asking for money - only to get the word out for the safety of benevolence.

Bluewater at
Bluewater at

Thank you for the above images from Bluewater at  I know from experience that the above images are telling the truth. 
Below is Bluewater agreeing about Christian 21 trying to get the word out about the flash, or sky event.  More people are believing it too.

Bluewater at
Bluewater at

The world is ascending!   We are going from a low vibrational world to a higher frequency, or 3D to 5D (D = Dimension) and beyond.  Darkness on earth will not make it past the sky event.

This is where the flash comes in.  Our world is shifting dimensions, hence, the shift.

Once the sky event flash happens we will be physically healed, our souls and consciousness will be intact.  Don't worry about family, children and pets.  Everyone will be well and with you.

Humans are loving and are not killers as we have been led to believe by the deep state.  It is going to be difficult for most.  Trust The Plan and Buckle up!

I am of the belief that med bed technology is real.  I have also heard the following videos speak of older technology.  What concerns me is all of the misinformation and disinformation that is out there.  Most 'truthers' continues rippling out off of the same repeating information.  Many others are selling products unrelated to the medbed technology updates on this page. 

What is beginning to come out now regarding quantum healing technology seems stale.  We humans are quantum and respond to quartz along other natural healing electrical modalities.  We are crystalline and our earth is healing with us.

*  July 14, 2024 - 

With waiting patiently comes answers.  Beyond letting us know of the new medbed, or medical pod technology, the following videos are beginning to expose answers as to why we are still waiting for this new medical technology to roll out.

Thank you 'TheGalacticFederation' for this information.

The above medbed technology update video also talks about:

  • The deep-state around the world did not want us to know about this technology.  It is not new, but new to us.  There have been apparent cover-ups.

  • All disease will be gone.

Thank you 'TheGalacticFederation' for this information.

The above medbed technology updates video also talks about:

  • Using frequencies to facilitate targeted healing goals from physical to mental issues.  Trauma that one may experience whether physically and/or mentally will also be healed but may take longer.

  • Understanding lower and higher dimensional values and shifting to an integral medicine form of thinking more clearly.  We are going from reactive to preventative health care.

  • Allopathic medicine is lower dimensional where we are identified by our fingerprint.  We are a carbon body.

  • Quantum medicine is higher dimensional, or higher frequency.  Our bodies are crystaline and we are identified by our individual frequency.  For example, negative people vibrate lower, optimists vibrate at a higher frequency - yet we each have a unique vibration.

Thank you 'TheGalacticFederation' for this information.

The above video also talks about:

  • replicators and utilizers.

  • Allopathic medicine is also discussed.  Many in the current medical system entered the field for the wrong reasons.  It is flat out stated that many are "not good people" and have been and are now currently being forced out of the industry.  It is stated that allopathic medical providers have themselves become a "miniature version of D.C."  They've been bought, possibly even sold their souls.

  • It also touches on why roll-out is taking so long.

  • Oh yeah, it also states that we are not alone.  I'd recommend all do their own research.

*  June 13, 2024 -

Stepping back from QHealth Guide for some time, there is a lot of misinformation and disinformation about our health care system and what is to come.  There is a bigger picture of what is happening in our world beyond health care and feel it is better for this website and medbed technology updates to remain focused on what is to come health-wise and all around integral medicine.

There is a lot of positivity being spoken about on the horizon from those (I believe) to be reputable sources of information.  Below is a video that has been recently published sharing good news.  I also believe that world-wide there is going to be much more information disclosed this year, 2024, as to what is happening around and within us.

Take note on the term that is being used - Medical Pod.

Thank you 'TheGalacticFederation' for this information.  The Galactic Federation channel can be found at

Spinning Theta ChamberMedbed technology updates include private
investor Loran Swenson's Theta Chamber.

* January 30, 2023

There are a lot of images and videos of this spinning Med Bed (image right) surfacing.  The Med Bed page on this website is about those medical devices that I have only heard about.  The device in the picture is called a Theta Chamber (Theta Pod or Theta Bed).  It was introduced by Solex owner Loran Swenson who has been in the frequency healing area for many years.

Know that the term 'MedBed / Med Bed' is being used for therapeutic massage tables on websites because they want to attract readers to their spa through a keyword - not the same thing.

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