The Fall of the Cabal Series

Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter are the makers of The Fall of the Cabal series.  This is excellent and easy to understand a different history than what we learned in school, how we got here today and a hint that the best is yet to come. 

The Fall of the Cabal Documentary,  Parts 1 - 10

This opens with our world is crumbling around us and also letting us know that the best is yet to come with what we are about to witness.  Our future is quantum and so much more.  This is why I feel it important to get people on a fast track to understanding what I placed on the Medbed Technology Updates page (opens new window).

This series also helps to understand more about our allopathic medical system is not necessarily good for our health!

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel, 1 - 24

Fall of Cabal Part 1

Fall of Cabal- Part 2

Fall of Cabal- Part 3

Fall of Cabal - Part 4

Fall of Cabal - Part 5

Fall of Cabal - Part 6

Fall of Cabal - Part 7

Fall of Cabal - Part 8

Fall of Cabal - Part 9

Fall of Cabal - Part 10

Fall of Cabal - Part 11

Fall of Cabal - Part 12

Fall of Cabal - Part 13

Fall of Cabal - Part 14

Fall of Cabal - Part 15

Fall of Cabal - Part 16

Fall of Cabal - Part 17

Fall of Cabal - Part 18

Fall of Cabal - Part 19

Fall of Cabal - Part 20

Fall of Cabal - Part 21

Fall of Cabal - Part 22

Fall of Cabal - Part 23

Fall of Cabal - Part 24

Thank you Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter for your dedicated work of The Fall of the Cabal series.  For more information their website is (opens new window).  Their work is also translated into 25 languages.

I would also like to thank CaptKylePatriots for archiving The Fall of the Cabal documentary sequel at his telegram channel.

To find CaptKylePatriots:

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  • CaptKylePatriots Ⓡ   (There are many fake accounts for CaptKyle - his channel has over 102K followers.)
  • CaptKyle Patriots Archives Library  (close to 3K followers)

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